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Don't Worry, Be Frappe
Hazelnut Frappe
What You Need:
3 tablespoons of Kingsmill Hazelnut Cappuccino
8fl oz milk of your choice
1 cup of Ice
Optional: 1 espresso shot, top with whip cream
Instructions: Add 3 tablespoons of Kingsmill Hazelnut Cappuccino and 8fl oz milk of you choice to a blender. Mix with ice until smooth: Optional: add an espresso shot for a stronger coffee taste and whip cream for a creamier finish.

Chocolate Chip Frappe
What You Need:
90g of Kingsmill Chocolate Frappe Powder Mix
5fl oz milk of your choice
1 cup of Ice
1/3 cup of Chocolate Chips
Optional: 1 espresso shot, top with whip cream
Instructions: Add 90g of Kingsmill Frappe Powder Mix, 6fl oz milk of your choice and 1/3 cup of chocolate chips to a blender. Mix with ice until smooth. Optional: add an espresso shot for a caffeine boost and top with whip cream.

Chai Frappe
What You Need:
90g of Kingsmill Chai Mix
8fl oz milk of your choice
1 cup of Ice
Optional: 1 espresso shot, top with cold foam and cinnamon
Instructions: Add 90g of Kingsmill Chai Mix and 8fl oz milk of your choice to a blender. Mix with ice until smooth. Optional: Add an espresso shot to transform into a Dirty Chai Frappe and top off with cold foam and cinnamon.

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